Asking 250 Chain Salon and Spa Owners And Managers Two Questions?

  1. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to running a salon/spa chain?
  2. What specifically about running a chain of salon/spa do you find most difficult?

Over 48% stated that managing and motivating the staff was the most difficult aspect of running a salon chain.

  • Keeping them happy within the job and keeping them motivated.
  • Getting them comfortable with selling.
  • Avoiding confrontation when dealing with issues.
  • The consistency of work from day-to-day.
  • Dealing with absenteeism as a result of holidays, sickness, pregnancy etc.

Almost 32% stated that getting new clients was the most difficult aspect.

  • Coming up with marketing ideas outside of discounting.
  • Advertising and Facebook not working in terms of bringing new clients through the door.
  • Potential Clients knowing the salon actually exists.

Approx 20% listed that retaining existing clients was the biggest challenge.

  • Unable to identify unhappy customer or customer happiness score.
  • Justifying prices to clients in comparison to cheaper competitions.
  • Justifying prices to clients who use home services.
  • Staff, not re-booking clients.

Other significant issues stated by salons were marketing (17%), time management (15%) and selling retail (11%).

First things first. Who was answering the questions?

A mixture of salons answered the questions:

Beauty Salon                                       53 %

Hair Salon                                            22 %

Spa                                                       18 %

Other (Eg: Barbers)                             6 %

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