Get More Clients with Ace Massage Therapy Marketing Tips

massage therapy marketing tips

The spa industry is constantly changing and evolving. Today, there are not just basic massage spas but hotel spas, destination spas, and spas that offer salon services. Despite your spa having the best facilities, attracting clients can become quite a challenge.

That’s mainly because clients look at salon services as something that is mandatory and spa services as optional. Getting hands and legs waxed regularly is a must while indulging in a relaxing massage is optional. Thus, it is very important for businesses in this space to keep promoting their spa and massage therapy services in order to attract new clients.

Most spas and health and wellness centers have a problem starting out because they do everything manually. Spreadsheets and Microsoft Word files are something of the past. Now is the time to move out to fully integrated, centralized spa management software. By using software, all your files and data can be integrated together.

Therapy in your spa

Best Strategies To Promote Massage Therapy In Your Spa:

1. Referrals:

Massage centers can benefit hugely from a referral program. When clients refer their friend, not just do they get a discount or deal, but their friend benefits too. If you are building a referral program for your spa, make sure every client knows about it. This way they will be more motivated to bring in their friends to avail of a discount. Spread the word by sending out emails and text messages on your spa software and put them on your social media handles. This type of advertising works well as you can keep your existing clients happy while attracting new ones.

2. Create Packages:

The best way to ensure you have a steady stream of clients walking into your spa is by creating packages. The best part of packages is that clients get to avail a few services at a fixed price. That’s because when clients opt for a package, they are required to pay a lump sum amount for a bundle of services. This is a win-win situation for your spa as well as for the clients. For example, you can create a package that includes two facials and three deep muscle massage sessions for a particular price and validity. To entice a client to avail of the package, you can price it slightly lower than the combined price for each individual service. Package deals really work. Using spa scheduling software, a massage therapy center can create packages, promote it and monitor when the services are being redeemed by the clients.

3. Create Interesting Content:

A fool-proof method to draw customers to your spa is by establishing yourself as an expert. Sharing helpful and great content from time to time will ensure they keep coming back. Most spa owners make the mistake of promoting their services again and again. Always remember that on a daily basis customers are exposed to a whole lot of advertisements. They almost become numb to it and stop responding altogether. Thus, in order to stay on top of the client’s mind, it is essential that you do something different. Creating noteworthy content is not a difficult task. Consider sharing the benefits of regularly indulging in a massage, techniques to help relieve stress or even recipes for homemade scrubs and bath products. Once you know that your target group is enjoying the kind of content you are sharing with them, give them more. You could also write blogs on your spa website. Once you’re recognized as an expert in the field, you’ll have more clients availing of massage therapy.

4. Shoot A Video:

When choosing a spa, every client has a number of pre-requisites. The best way to address all their queries is by shooting a short intro video. Take them through your massage center and show them what you do. It not just serves as a sneak peek into your business but also serves as an introduction to your team of massage therapists. Focus on the points your clients are most interested in. That includes the cleanliness of your facility, the location, other amenities, and uniformed professional staff. Once the video has been shot, share it across social media.

5. Online Appointments:

The main reason clients opt for a massage or spa session is to unwind and relax. Imagine a client has to wait on a call for a few minutes only to schedule their appointment. This is extremely unprofessional. Use spa scheduling software to give your clients a relaxed and laid-back experience from the very beginning. Online bookings are the heart of your business. Customers will definitely appreciate this process of being able to schedule their appointment immediately without having to wait for a confirmation. Online booking software will also increase your visibility on the internet.

6. Find Your Niche:

Considering there’s tons of competition out there, finding your niche will not only make you stand out from your competitors but also make it easier to describe what you do. Every spa typically offers a wide range of services such as manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, and more. It is important to know that it is not a one-size-fits-all deal. For example, a client may be visiting your spa only to get a facial, but maybe going elsewhere for a massage. Every spa seems to draw in a diverse crowd with varied needs. Identifying the niche for your spa can help you put together a business plan or increase sales. With the aid of spa management software, you can easily decode who your niche market is, and why they choose to come to your spa. For example, is it a pregnant woman, someone with a particular sports injury, or any other specialty client?

7. Host An Open Day:

When people consider a massage, they mainly think of relaxation. However, massage can also minimize anxiety, relieve headaches and help with injuries. Thus, to give your potential clients a feel of what you do, consider hosting an open day. It’s a great chance for your massage therapists to show off their skills. To promote the open day, spread the word on your social media handles and send out emails to your clients. You can offer free 15-minute sessions to clients and ask them to pay if they would like to extend to 30 or 60 minutes. Adding incentives to your marketing campaigns is also a great way to ensure clients come back.

These are just a few ideas to add to your overall spa marketing plan. If you haven’t considered promoting your massage therapy center, it’s high time you do. Once you know who your target demographic is, choose the best methods to reach them. Reaching your ideal clientele becomes much easier with MioSalon, spa software. Our software has everything you need to find your niche, promote your services, create exciting marketing plans and track the progress of the same.

Sign-up for a quick demo and get to experience all the features! Salon and spa automation will definitely change the numbers for you in a good way.

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