How to Handle Negative Feedback of a Salon Clients


Providing exceptional customer experience is crucial for the success of any salon. However, even with the best efforts, negative feedback from clients is inevitable. It’s essential for salon owners and managers to know how to handle negative feedback effectively and turn it into an opportunity for growth and improvement. In this article, we will explore the importance of feedback, various ways to collect feedback from salon clients, the significance of automating the feedback collection process, and how Miosalon can assist in this aspect.

Importance of Feedback Mechanism

A robust feedback mechanism is vital for the growth and success of a salon. It allows salon owners and managers to gain valuable insights into the client experience, identify areas of improvement, and enhance overall service quality. Negative feedback, though sometimes difficult to hear, provides an opportunity to address concerns and make necessary changes to meet client expectations.

Ways to Collect Feedback from Salon Clients

There are several effective methods to collect feedback from salon clients:

  1. In-person feedback: Encourage clients to provide feedback directly after their salon visit, either through a face-to-face conversation or a feedback form.
  2. Online surveys: Create online surveys using tools like Google Forms or survey platforms to gather feedback on specific aspects of the salon experience.
  3. Comment cards/Paper: Place comment cards at the reception or in the salon area for clients to share their thoughts and suggestions.
  4. Social media platforms: Monitor and engage with client feedback and reviews on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp.
Feedback Collection MethodsIn-person FeedbackPaper-based SurveysOnline Feedback FormsSMS Feedback Requests
ProsImmediate and personal interactionEasy to distribute and collectConvenient for clients and staffInstant and high open rate
ConsLimited reach and time-consumingManual data entry and analysisRequires internet accessCharacter limit for text responses
BenefitsBuilds rapport and trustVersatile and offline data collectionWide reach and easy data collectionQuick and concise feedback requests
Operational EfficiencyRequires staff availabilityManual data entry and analysisEasy data managementEfficient and automated process
LimitationsDependent on staff availabilityInconvenient for clients to fill outRelies on clients’ internet connectivityLimited space for detailed feedback
Cost of OperationLow costLow costModerate costModerate to high cost
Staff DependencyHigh staff involvementModerate staff involvementLow staff involvementLow staff involvement
Client ExperienceEnhanced customer connectionTraditional methodConvenient and accessibleEfficient and immediate
Success RateHigh if executed effectivelyModerateHigh if promoted effectivelyModerate to high depending on response rates
Analytics & InsightLimited data collectionLimited data analysisDetailed data collectionLimited data analysis

Please note that the comparisons provided are based on general observations and may vary depending on specific implementation and usage of each feedback collection method.

Why Automating Feedback Collection is Important?

Automating the feedback collection process offers several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Automation saves time and effort by streamlining the feedback collection and analysis process.
  2. Timeliness: Instant feedback allows salon owners and managers to address concerns promptly and demonstrate their commitment to client satisfaction.
  3. Accuracy: Automated systems ensure accurate data collection, minimizing human errors and bias.

How Miosalon Helps in Automating Feedback Collection Process?

Miosalon, a salon management software, offers a comprehensive solution for automating feedback collection. With its Feedback Module, salon owners can:

  • Automatically request feedback via SMS, WhatsApp, or email after each appointment, ensuring timely responses.
  • Customize feedback surveys to capture specific insights, such as service quality, staff performance, or overall experience.
  • Receive instant notifications when negative feedback is received, allowing immediate action to address client concerns.

How Miosalon Detects Unhappy Clients?

Miosalon’s advanced system identifies unhappy clients through low ratings or negative feedback in surveys and immediately notify the staff, manager, and owner. This enables salon owners and managers to proactively address issues, rectify any shortcomings, and prevent negative experiences from impacting the salon’s reputation.

Tips to Address Unhappy Clients

  1. Listen actively: Take the time to listen attentively to the client’s concerns, showing empathy and understanding.
  2. Apologize sincerely: Offer a genuine apology for any negative experience or inconvenience caused.
  3. Resolve the issue: Take appropriate measures to address the problem, such as offering a complimentary service, providing a refund, or scheduling a follow-up appointment.
  4. Follow up: After resolving the issue, follow up with the client to ensure their satisfaction and build a stronger relationship.

Long-Term Benefits for Salons that Focus on High Bar on Client Experience

  • Increased client loyalty and retention
  • Positive word-of-mouth referrals
  • Enhanced online reputation and ratings
  • Improved staff morale and motivation
  • Sustainable business growth and profitability


Handling negative feedback from salon clients requires a proactive and customer-centric approach. By embracing feedback, addressing concerns promptly, and continuously striving for improvement, salons can create exceptional client experiences and build long-lasting relationships. With the automation features provided by Miosalon, salon owners.