Tasting Success | Find Out Why Mr. Mani Nair – Founder of White & Bright Spa Loves MioSalon?

Our Customer Success team reached out to one of our happy customers to find out how MioSalon brings value to their salon business and helps it grow. Here is what the Salon owner has to say for himself, and we can’t be excited enough to share it with you all.


White n Bright Spa, Mr. Manikandan Nair

The problem faced before coming to Miosalon

I cannot think of running a premium spa without software. We cannot use a calculator or spreadsheet for every calculation. I am sure, that doing so would have increased our manpower as well. I also knew that this would make my spa look unprofessional and boring. We are not in the ’70s or ’80s and I understand it very well that with time my technology needs a change. I knew that using the software I just need to put 1% of my human effort and the rest 99% will be taken care of.

Though I have used a different POS software prior to Miosalon which is known as Z*n*ti these days, I felt that Z*n*ti was too slow when we performed even a single task. The software was not so user-friendly compared to Miosalon. Over there the search for even a small report looked like a never-ending process, I had to look everywhere wasting a lot of time to find a single piece of Info.

The right IT Partner for our Salon

I have over 18 years of experience in the customer service industry and I have a habit of choosing the only compatible vendor and that’s how I chose Miosalon. Miosalon provides rich features. The team acknowledges my demands and requirements. Moreover, I think the core value of “Waffor” is the people – the team inside the company and I am proud of myself to choose MioSalon as my IT partner.

Features I like best about MioSalon

Three things that I like about “MioSalon“.

Automation in the software – Reminders, Birthday Wishes, and the loyalty program. To be precise, Set-up things for one time and forget, they will take care of themselves.

The instant appointment reminder for my client 24×7 uplifts the brand trust.

Freedom to customize and the range of customization that they offer.

Business Benefits that I Loved

“MioSalon” proves to be a never-ending software with frequent and timely upgrades like the well-integrated online booking widget that they provide to link with the Facebook business page and the website.

Was there anything I disliked?

Nothing is flawless, I was a bit distempered when I experienced service problems, but now thanks to their engineering team to give me a flawless software experience.

Experience with customer success team

Well, I could rate them 11/10. Do I need to say anything else?

Would you recommend this product? If so, why?

Yes, Because I “Trust” the product “MioSalon“. Believe me, I use the word trust only when you have exceeded my expectations.

Would like to have such a wonderful experience and success for your salon/spa, we are very excited to help you with the right solution that just works for you.

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