The Power of First Impressions to your First-time Salon Clients

There is a myriad of ingredients that go into creating a successful salon. The most important of them all is the ‘first impression’ you give to your salon clients. As they say, ‘first impression is the last impression’.You have a new client in your salon because they’ve heard about you from their friends or stumbled upon an advertisement online. Now that you’ve been successful in bringing them through the door, you ought to do your very best to offer them a one-of-a-kind experience and make them your retainer.

First impressions are not restricted to only face-to-face meetings. From the time a client schedules an appointment on your beauty parlour software, you must be fully geared to pamper them and enhance their customer journey.

A client journey is a planned combination of activities, preferences, and paths they take within your business. Everything a client sees hears and touches from the minute they are in contact with your business should be carefully examined.

To make this task easier for you, we have highlighted some critical points that will help you provide your clients with an exceptional experience and create a positive first impression.

7 Key Points To Provide a Better Experience to your Salon Clients:

1. Establish a good communication system:

If reaching your salon is going to be difficult, your salon clients rather visit your competitors. Having a seamless communication system has a dramatic impact on getting customers to your salon. Make sure your salon uses beauty parlour software to help clients make online appointment bookings, change/cancel their appointments, be informed about the latest news and events, and to get timely reminders about their upcoming appointments.

Calling each and every client in your salon is not possible. With software, the job of a salon receptionist becomes much easier. Offering a good communication system and bringing automation is often the first step towards creating a positive first impression. This also makes things convenient for both you as well as your clients.

2. The welcome:

This is your first direct contact with a new client. A client uses this opportunity to make a preliminary assessment of your salon even before they get into the chair. They judge everything that can be heard or seen. A stylist should use this as an opportunity to introduce themselves in a polite and friendly manner.

It is often the job of a receptionist to show a client around especially if they are visiting for the first time. Don’t rush them. Give them time to carefully see every treatment room. If a client has arrived early, ask them to wait. If a client had arrived on time but a stylist is busy, apologize and explain the setback.

3. Offer complimentary drinks:

Setting up a pantry is a good idea in your salon. Offering your salon clients water and beverages such as tea and coffee speaks of you as a courteous salon. Don’t wait for your clients to ask. As they enter, greet them and ask them what you can get them. If your salon has a bar license, you could even offer them drinks but tell them that it would be charged for. You wouldn’t want them to think it’s on the house.

4. Spruce up your waiting area:

Not all clients would be taken for their appointment from the time they arrive. On average, a client would have to wait at least 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, a client usually makes critical observations of your salon. Therefore, it is very important to choose a décor that is consistent throughout your salon. Have a comfy couch they can sit on, play some soothing tracks and keep some magazines stacked which they can read while they wait for their treatment.

On the other hand, an untidy salon can make a negative first impression. Having papers scattered all around the front desk can make the salon look unpleasant. The best way to tackle this is by going paperless and disk-less and getting beauty parlour software. With everything being automated, you won’t have to worry about anything. You can only set up a tiny workstation to handle payments and customer queries.

5. Consultation:

Before you commence any service with a new client, perform a short consultation. A stylish can use this as a time to understand the client’s needs better and assure them that their satisfaction is important to you. You can also use this as an opportunity to learn about their allergies. Make a note of them in your customer record to prevent treatment from going wrong.

If anything goes wrong, be prepared to face a lawsuit. During this time, a stylist can show off their expertise. Remember, listening skills, body language, and facial expressions matter. Train your employees in such a way that they excel in the art of communication. They are the ones that play the most crucial role in client retention.

6. Show clients you are excited about them:

Once you greet your salon clients don’t leave them in the hands of the stylist. Show them that you are excited about the fact that they chose you over your competitors. Every gesture matters. The best way to execute this is by taking before and after pictures of your clients and posting them on your Instagram handle. This is a great way to attract other people to your salon too. Use trending hashtags, tag the stylist and the client, and you’ll see a difference in your followers. Make sure you share only high-quality images that will catch people’s eyes online. Encourage your clients to give your salon a shout out too.

7. Finalizing the visit:

Last but not least – wrapping up a client’s visit. When inviting a customer to make the payment, offer to book their next visit. Inform the client about the online booking system on the beauty parlour software which will enable them to easily book a repeat visit. You can also consider sending out a follow-up questionnaire to get feedback on their experience. Don’t overtly ask them to leave reviews, probably send them a text message or email once they leave. This is a great personal touch to show your clients that you actually care about their opinions. If a client makes certain negative remarks, use them to make improvements in key areas.

Going the extra mile in enhancing the salon experience can make all the difference between a client returning in the future or going elsewhere. In your salon management program, incorporate MioSalon, beauty parlour software, to create a better salon experience for your salon clients and encourage them to revisit your business in the future.

Get your FREE version of the Software now!

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